Kennet Valley Primary School

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We are very proud of the smart appearance of Kennet Valley children and all are expected to wear school uniform. Also we feel it is important that children understand from an early age how important it is to be well presented, and the positive image this creates. Our school colours are royal blue, grey and white.  Sweatshirts, polo shirts and T-shirts bearing the Kennet Valley crest can be ordered through My clothing:

It is important that all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name. This makes sure all lost items may be returned promptly.  Uniform requirements for boys and girls are listed below. Children must bring trainers to wear for outdoor play and PE, especially when our school field is in use in the Summer term.


Grey pinafore dress, black or grey skirt or trousers, with tights not leggings, white blouse, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan and black school shoes

White short sleeved polo shirt or shirt, grey pinafore dress, skirt or shorts, or blue and white checked or striped dress and black school shoes


Grey or black trousers, white shirts, royal blue sweatshirt or jumper and black school shoes                                    

Grey or black shorts or trousers, white short sleeved polo shirt or shirt and black school shoes

All children should wear black school shoes all year round.

Single plain stud earrings are allowed, but no other jewellery of any kind. For PE in school, these should either be taped over or removed. Hair should be neat and tidy, with long hair tied back. Extreme hair styles or dyed hair is not acceptable, and hair products such as gel should be kept to the minimum please. Nail varnish may not be worn. Any parents who require their children to wear jewellery for reasons of faith should speak to the Headteacher to see how this may be accommodated.

P.E Kit

PE kits should comprise of:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts/plain black jogging bottoms
  • Plain black sweatshirt or a school jumper
  • Trainers should be plain black or white