Kennet Valley Primary School

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Maths at KVPS

Maths Curriculum at Kennet Valley

At Kennet Valley maths is taught every day, covering a wide range of mathematical work and emphasizing the CPA approach to developing mathematical skills (concrete – pictorial – abstract). The teaching of maths is underpinned by teaching pathways from the White Rose Maths Hub, supported by resources from Power Maths. We endeavor to explore mathematical opportunities in other curriculum subjects also, especially science.

We believe in the importance of understanding place value, number bonds and multiplication tables in order to access the wider mathematical curriculum and these are a key part of our curriculum. Our pupils understand the importance of these and how these will help them to be confident numerically.

The Kennet Valley Primary School Calculation Policy describes how we develop competency in the four operations. We endeavor to ensure that any type of calculation is given a real-life context or problem solving approach to help build children’s understanding of the purpose of calculation, and to help them recognise when to use certain operations and methods when faced with problems. We encourage children to reason through their mathematical decisions verbally and in writing.


Maths Annual Overview

Maths Principles at Kennet Valley

Maths Curriculum by Strand

White Rose Calculation PolicyCross Curricular Links