Kennet Valley Primary School

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A Welcome From The Headteacher Ms Deirdre Devine

Kennet Valley is situated in Ford's Farm, on the western outskirts of Reading, working within West Berkshire Local Authority. We are a one-form entry primary school for children ages 4 - 11.

The school grounds are extensive comprising 7 classrooms, a school hall/canteen, a music room, a children's kitchen, a playground, 2 playing fields, a vegetable garden, a pond and a copse where children can experience 'Forest School' activities. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage have their own purpose made area towards the front of the school.

The school is organised into four houses. All children and staff, except the Headteacher and Deputy Head are included, as are the governors. Children can earn 'housepoints' for good effort, high standards and exemplary behaviour. The housepoints are announced weekly in our 'celebration assemblies'.

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Our Vision

At Kennet Valley Primary School, we aim to nurture the whole child. Together, we will inspire them to fulfil their academic, social and creative potential.

Our Values

Respect for ourselves
and each other
Caring for all
Passion for learning
Pride in our school

our Video