Kingfisher Club
Welcome to Kingfisher Club, the Kennet Valley Primary School after-school provision.
We offer a full and varied range of activities for all Kennet Valley pupils after school on Monday to Friday during term time.
The club has been set up in response to the wishes of parents. We aim to provide excellent quality after school care for our children in a safe and stimulating environment, with provision for a variety of activities and an afternoon snack. The club is open to children from 3.20pm (directly after school) until 5.45pm each school day. We are fully committed to ensuring equal access for all of our children.
Although a wide variety of activities will be on offer, including the opportunity for children to do their homework, we will not make a child participate in any activity they do not wish to. We can encourage them to take part – however we will not make any activity compulsory. The emphasis will be on free choice and enjoyment.
Possible activities may involve:
- Arts and crafts
- A reading/quiet area
- Board games
- Construction (eg. Lego)
- Outdoor play
- Computer/video games
- Role play
We would be delighted to welcome your child to the Kingfisher Club. Please see the Terms and Conditions and the Booking Form (below) for further information on how to book and costs. Alternatively, please ask at the School Office if you would like hard copies.
Ms D Devine
Kingfisher Club Booking Form Autumn_2024Kingfisher Terms and conditions.docx