Kennet Valley Primary School

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There is one point of admission for children, with places being offered to those who are five years old between the 1st September of that academic year and 31st August of the year following. Parents may ask for deferred admission within the same academic year, with a place then being held open for their child.

Kennet Valley Primary School is a Community school, with admissions administered centrally by West Berkshire Education Authority. Application forms are available to print from West Berkshire Council’s website or can be completed online. These should be done during the year before your child is to be admitted. Parents who live outside West Berkshire must apply through their home Council: this application will then be forwarded to West Berkshire. The exact date varies from year to year, but is usually at the end of November of the academic year before your children starts school. Places are offered by West Berkshire by letter the following March, and must be accepted in writing. Should any parents not wish to take up places offered to their children, these are then offered to the next children on a waiting list, in order of priority.


Visits to the school by parents, with or without children, prior to application are welcomed and we hold several open days to allow you to see the school in action.  If you are unable to make these and wish to make a separate appointment please contact the school office.

eyfs open event autumn 2024.pdf