Kennet Valley Primary School

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Online Safety

At Kennet Valley we know that our children are growing up in a world of ever-changing technology. As they grow, more and more of their lives will be online, whether educational, social or in their chosen careers. The vast impact of this will be for the most part positive however we are always aware of the dangers that are associated with online use.

Through both our computing and PSHE curriculums we aim to teach our pupils:

  • About the impact of online bullying and how to get help if they are affected by it.
  • To understand that people online may not always be who they say they are.
  • How to protect our personal information, being careful with what we share online.
  • To be able to use the internet safely and responsibly

We have settings in place within school that help to stop children accessing inappropriate content but we understand that they spend far more time online at home than at school. Navigating and understanding everything on the internet can be daunting and difficult. Therefore, listed below is a selection of links to sites that provide advice and resources to enable you to support your child in staying safe online while still getting the benefits from the internet has to offer.


Google Safety Centre